Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday

Tomorrow is toms bday the big 35. he has been busy at work with quarter close so we are having dinner and cake today since he will be home late tomorrow. A busy week I may or may not have jury duty and cam has halloween parties at boy scouts and his class on friday, and matt goes to the pumpkin patch with his class on tues and his class party is friday, and since i am the queen of cupcakes guess what i get to bake this week!!!!! lets hope I don"t have jury duty.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!

well today I turn 35, and my grandma turns 90 wow is that great or what. We started the celebration on sunday with a surprise for her at a luncheon for her with her close 90 year old friends, then we went back to my parents home for me. well my two aunts who I love smoke way to much and so i don't know if it was the smoke or if i have a cold but I feel like shit on my birthday.
and to top it off my car broke down yesterday and so happy birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!!!

well pictures will follow of my grandmas party